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Why Land Conservation?

Swin Swinford

Updated: Sep 28, 2023

North Captiva Island has entered what can only be described as hyper-growth mode. We all see it daily with the constant back and forth of residential construction vehicles on our sensitive sand roadways. Over the past few years, hundreds single family residences and vacant land parcels on the island have changed hands via sales. Some of the vacant land parcels have been purchased by current property owners to protect views or privacy for their homes, however we must assume the majority of vacant land parcels purchased will eventually be developed into homes. Can you envision a North Captiva with another 200+ homes added to the current 384? Do you believe that is sustainable given our fragile environment and limited infrastructure? Neither do we. Current property owners need to take action today to ensure a sustainable future for our island. We cannot look for someone else to solve these issues for us. The state nor the county will stop residential development on our island. The only path forward is for our community to pull together and take land parcels off the buildable market. To do this we must purchase vacant land parcels and protect them from becoming homes. The best tool for this is through a conservation easement, however there are other effective tools like deed restrictions, combining adjacent vacant parcels into your homesite parcel or purchasing and restricting the future sale of the property from your family estate.

The North Captiva Conservation and Beautification Foundation a 501(c)3 organization, was established in 2021 to look for ways to manage sustainability in the face of irreversible growth. Over the coming months and years our goal is to not only educate both property owners and visitors to the island about our sensitive environment, but to proactively and aggressively raise funds to purchase land parcels to protect the island's green space and to encourage property owners to purchase land parcels to limit building if they have the means. You do not have to do this alone. We are here to help guide conservation efforts and assist bringing groups together (many times neighbors) to purchase parcels. Please reach out to us or make a donation today if you are interested in land conservation.

North Captiva Island - 1966
(North Captiva in 1966 as the subdivisions of Jose's Hideaway, Captiva Palma and Castaway Key were developed)

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We are an IRS-designated 501(c)3 organization.

Please join us in protecting the future of North Captiva Island. Our open spaces, wildlife and natural resources need your help today, please consider a donation to help offset your impact on our fragile island environment.   •   FL Registered Charity: CH66672

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